Preparing Clients For Greatness


Whether it's a complete website overhaul or a small maintenance engagement, our best work happens when our clients and team speak the same language.


Serving our clients properly takes a significant amount of effort. But how exactly do we go about getting everyone on the same page? We ask clients to be hands on from the start. Most often they're surprised to learn about the level of involvement we need from them. We poise every client and their team for success with a thorough discovery phase. We want not only in the final product, but the process itself to be positive and enjoyable. For many clients it's their first time collaborating with a digital agency. It's important their experience runs smoothly and is even, dare we say, fun.


Below are 3 things that prep our clients for greatness:

1. Careful Planning

The type of planning that goes into a project depends on different variables. You need to have an idea of what you want and more importantly, what you need to create tangible goals. Setting measurable goals allows you to plan with purpose. Two top project constraints are time and money. Accounting for all the details of your project at the start is ideal because it allows you to understand the scale of your (t)ask. As gatekeepers of projects and timelines, we help set realistic expectations for delivering your desired outcome.

2. Minimize Roadblocks

We want to reduce the learning curve when you sign on with us. The project itself already requires your time and attention, so why make things more complicated? One way we minimize roadblocks is by using simple project management tools. We like Basecamp 3 because it's separate client and team gives us autonomy in communication. We can accomplish tasks without disrupting our clients until we need feedback. The platform doesn't require a login and lets you to reply directly from your email. Because most people are already familiar with how email works, there's no learning curve for our clients.

3. Establish Trust

Arguably the most important ingredient of any successful relationship. We strive to understand your business needs early on so that we can form creative solutions to your problems later. When hurdles inevitably arise, having confidence in your team and their ability is what helps get you through. At our core we care deeply about growing our relationships. That's one of the reasons we promote transparency throughout each phase of our process. Over time this openness helps engender trust. (Check out how we do that here). This is the difference between partnerships that end after the job is done, and creating relationships that go beyond business.



Increase Your Productivity, Keep Your Soul


Input vs. Output: How to Set Smarter Goals